MRP Spotlight: Andrew Lipson
This week’s MRP Spotlight is on multitalented actor, Andrew Lipson!Read More
This week’s MRP Spotlight is on multitalented actor, Andrew Lipson!Read More
It’s incredibly important for actors to maintain a web presence, as it’s the strongest tool for self-promotion, visibility, and brand development. Beyond connecting with your followers, it’s a resource for actors to share their material, hear about new opportunities, and to stay knowledgable of all things industry. As with everything, there is a right and a wrong way to navigate social media and you must make sure you’re only doing things that will benefit you and build your network!Read More
It’s been an open debate since the beginning: do headshots give you any sort of advantage in the casting room? We know a thing or two about the industry, and our answer starts off with a big fat YES. When it comes down to what’s most important, it’s about making an investment in yourself. This is your career we’re talking about! Our friends at Backstage compiled a list of tips for better headshots.Read More
Whether or not big broadcast television is dying out is uncertain. What we DO know for sure is that the internet has changed the way we consume media. The “newspapers are dead! it’s all about the interwebs” day came and went, and now TV & Film studios are at a major crossroads. The entertainment industry has been shaken up by Online Streaming since digital networks busted through the front gates boasting A-List talent, hefty budgets, and innovative distribution methods (they are responding to the publics demands for immediacy!). Now that we have somewhere to go for all-you-can-watch selections for a reasonable monthly price, broadcast networks are having to shift their strategies to keep up with the innovative style of the new heroes in town. By ‘heroes’ we mean digital streaming networks like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Crackle.Read More
What a night for comedy, absurdity, and nostalgia! Lorne Michaels and the gang threw down some of the original classics and indulged in a 10 minute saga of newer skit, The Californians. It was all gravy. Here’s a countdown of MRP Team’s favorite moments from the 40th Anniversary episode of Saturday Night Live:Read More