Yes, a killer headshot is a necessity to becoming a successful actor in Los Angeles. But what about bigger picture needs? Over the next two posts, we’ll talk about the top qualities needed to succeed as an actor. They may not be what you think!

Talent? Yes, innate talent sure does help. But what we’ve learned really matters is an actor’s DEDICATION. Imagine the best of the best of every college’s theater program all in one place. Welcome to Los Angeles! Though innate ability is great, what really makes a successful actor stand apart from the masses is his dedication. During highs, lows, and everything in between, the successful actor stays focused on his big picture goals. He stays focused and dedicated, not letting the ebb & flow of this crazy business get to him.

Versatility? Sure versatility is fun to watch in an actor’s reel. But what really matters is an actor’s SPECIFICITY. Good actresses know how to play the innocent ingenue, they can rock a fierce Lady Macbeth, and then create a role from scratch in a gritty indie film. But truly great actresses can do all that — all the while having the vision to see how to most specifically market themselves. Successful actors know what roles they’ll most easily play, and they specifically market themselves for them.

Consistency? Yes, consistency is key when working on camera. But BRAVERY makes a good actor great. The ability to work precisely and smartly — then throw it all away and take a giant risk is golden! The moments when a performer lets go of what they have previously thought or done is when the real in-the-moment magic starts to happen. Successful actors are the brave ones who take bold risks!

Confidence? Yup confidence is very important, for actors and everyone really. But the perfect combination of HUMILITY and confidence is the real money maker. Great actors are confident in their acting choices, but are also humble enough to take notes from teachers, coaches, and directors. Learning to take direction will set you apart from the less experienced. The perfect pairing of confidence and humility will allow you to grow and change as a performer.

Child-like wonder? A child-like imagination is key. But the greats also show a high degree of PROFESSIONALISM. A great actor works with a wide variety of people and is highly professional in all situations. A great actor shows tremendous respect to the craft, script, writers, directors, and all other key personnel involved in a production.