This week the MRP Spotlight highlights Shandel Vigil!

Shandel has a lot of her plate between auditions, pursuing her other talents of singing and boxing, and working on her handcrafted, luxury lingerie line “VIE AMOR”.

shandel vigil
On top of all that, this San Diego native keeps her days off eventful as well by doing just about everything from visiting museums and doing research to hiking and laying out on the beach.

 Shandel hopes to someday land that lead role in a feature film and lock in a recurring part in a television series.

Her personal motto to help her along the way is “anything perceivable is achievable”!
Keep track of her growing list of achievements by following her:
Instagram: @shandelmiranda
Twitter: @ShandelVigil
Facebook: Shandel M Vigil

And don’t forget to check our her lingerie line VIE AMOR.