LA actors lead busy, often chaotic lives. At any moment, we can be called with a last minute audition, or even a side job shift change. It’s hard to stay productive and use time efficiently when you are juggling your life, your art, and your survival job. But we noticed the actors who have it the most together, have one thing in common — They use their mornings to set the tone for the rest of their day. Your day may be filled to the brim with activity, but I don’t know of any auditions before 9am. So why not utilize those precious few AM hours to the fullest? Let’s explore the best ways to use your morning as an artist!
You snooze, you lose… When your alarm goes off in the wee hours of the morn, make a vow to not hit snooze more than once. Tempting as it is, spending time half awake in bed isn’t actually relaxing or invigorating. So allow yourself a single snooze to slowly, calmly awaken your body one part at a time. Think how you get out of shivasana or corpse pose after a great yoga or acting class. Try wiggling your fingers and toes, rubbing your tongue along your teeth in your mouth, and take a few deep awakening breaths. How cool would it be to start your day similarly to how you start an acting warm up?
Stretch your body… Your body and voice are two of your most powerful tools as an actor. So why not give your body some TLC before you put it to work? I love to keep my yoga mat right by my bed, so I can do some deep yoga stretches before leaving my bedroom. Cat Cow is my favorite, it opens your whole spine. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, look it up. It’s bound to look familiar because it is an acting class favorite. Then move in to some invigorating downward dog stretches. Finish with Warrior One and Two and there is no chance you’ll still feel sleepy. You can even add some hums and hahs to start warming up your voice in the AM. Just don’t wake your roommates!
Practice gratitude… Before leaving your mat or bedroom, send out a thank you for something you have to be grateful for. Even on our lowest days, in our most challenging moments, we can always find something to be grateful for. It can be as deep as your childhood best friend’s constant support, or as simple as the feel of your new pajama pants. Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. And in a business that leaves us always wanting more, it is especially necessary for actors to practice thankfulness daily. Realize that happiness doesn’t make us grateful, but gratefulness makes us happy!
Be intentional… Set an intention for the day before leaving your apartment. It can be a motivational mantra, there are no shortage of these easily accessible on the internet. Lately I like “Today is full of endless possibilities” or “I am more than my present circumstances.” Or it can even be a more simplified goal. I’ve used “Today I will practice breathing in times of stress” or even “I’ll dedicate today to making the money that will directly empower my art.” But having a specific purpose give you words to go back to and reset with when things go crazy. Remember, you can set the tone for your whole day, by just being specific with your morning.
Break legs,