5 Easy Hacks to Look Thinner In Photos
Looking your best can have a great impact on getting hired, finding a partner, and building other relationships in life, but taking a great photo can be intimidating. Before that next selfie session or exciting red carpet event, try out these five easy hacks to look better and thinner in photos.
- Tilt your head to hide that dreaded double chin.
Having a double chin in real life is bearable until the extra fat is caught on film. To lessen a pre-existing double chin or avoid a sneaky one on camera, slightly lift your head, bringing your chin forward. Holding your tongue at the roof of your mouth can also keep your jawline looking slim and fabulous.
- Never be photographed from below.
Ladies and gentlemen, there’s a reason we hold our phones up when taking selfies. Photographs taken from an angle lower than your face can be disastrous for your whole body. To avoid looking fatter on film than you are in person, don’t let anyone take a photo from a lower angle.
- Turn your body slightly away from the camera.
Standing directly in front of a camera the way you would a person actually makes you look larger. This is especially true if your outfit is bulky or has layers. Try this and see for yourself: put one foot in front of the other, and point the toes on your front foot towards the camera. Then put all of your weight on your back foot.
- Use your arms.
Can you keep a secret? The real reason models and celebrities pose with their arm on a hip is to look thinner. When either of your arms, especially the arm closest to the camera, is at your side and against your torso, you will appear large in photographs than you actually are. Prevent the problem by placing a hand on your hip or keeping both arms slightly away from your sides.
- Avoid direct sunlight.
Late afternoon and early evening provide the best natural light for photos. Direct sunlight in the morning and early afternoon can cause squinting, which stretches the jawline making it look bigger.
Simple, right? Try any of these “thin hacks” out today to learn which trick helps you the most.